Our orchestras are a social and artistic project which aims to form better human beings through the teaching and rehearsal of orchestras and choirs, developing in children and adolescents, mainly from lower–income families, important human values like solidarity, discipline, tolerance, teamwork, striving for excellence, making efforts, consistency, etc.
By offering them a sense of belonging, we avoid problems like gangs. With teamwork we form a sense of community. This way we able to help transform these children and adolescents, and with that, also help to transform their home communities.
Why create our Orchestras
- Classical music has become a means of social transformation
- An orchestra is an effective tool for transformation, which blends values, teamwork, discipline, and art
- It promotes inter-personal relationships and provides cohesion and a sense of belonging
- In Fundacion Leon we are convinced that art education should not be a privilege of a selected group of persons, art comes from everyone and is for everyone
Through our project, we strengthen self-esteem, mobilizing emotions that stimulate creativity.
Project goals
- Encouraging children and adolescents to develop physical, motor, sensory, and emotional skills
- Incorporating music into their lifestyle making no distinction between persons
- Instilling pride in their communities for all of the participants
- Promoting in the participants a common cultural identity and a love for their community and for Mexico
- Teaching values through a fun and practical activity
- Generating optimism and self-esteem in persons who might otherwise be losing hope
- Providing an attractive alternative in order to include children and adolescents as part of the society, developing their creative and productive abilities in order to strengthen them against the problems of poverty, drugs, crime and insensitivity to the arts and culture
- Providing a better quality of life forming enthusiastic people, making them experts on working in teams and achievements gained collectively
Benefits you can obtain by helping
- Your contributions are tax deductible
- Updates on the progress of the orchestra and invitations to all of its concerts
- Points toward fulfilling some requirements in order to be named as part of the Fundación León Recognition Program
- Being part of our social project and thus helping to transform our society
Testimonies of our residents who have benefited from the services of Fundacion Leon
Please read Hector's story
About two years ago Hector came to the San Juan de Abajo Community Center sponsored by the Fundacion Leon.
He had been experiencing many traumas and psychological problems, including dyslexia.
His progress has been very significant since he joined the orchestra. Before coming here he only used a few words and had trouble expressing himself. Now he is much more fluent and has made significant improvements in his ability to socialize.
Being part of the orchestra has changed Hector's life.
With your support, we can help many other children and young people like him to have a better life. Please join our cause!
When the project started we had many expectations about how music could help the children of San Juan de Abajo and the surrounding neighborhoods to solve many social problems that they were experiencing, violence in our homes and schools, and a general lack of values that was affecting the lives of the children and adolescents in this part of town.
In my role as conductor of the youth choir and the orchestra, I have seen how the behavior of our children has evolved, and it never ceases to amaze me the transformative power of music which has had its effect on the children and adolescents who participate in our youth choir and the orchestra.
In particular, there are striking cases that move me and fill me with pride, that emotion that makes me enjoy very much my work to prove that it is possible to change lives through music: discipline, teamwork, tolerance, a productive use of time, and changing what one expects from life. Their self-esteem grows and is strengthened; they begin to love themselves for what they are, and even more for what they can become.
The parents of the choir boys have told me that their children are now more disciplined, more tolerant of their siblings and relatives, more cooperative in housework duties and more aware of their role as members of a family.
For that and more the children do not miss their music sessions, they multiply their efforts and dedication and it is reflected in their homes, in their schools, in their personal lives, and they are now happier children.
Several choir boys have told me they want to study choral conducting. They want to be like me, do what I do, and that for me is priceless. They have a new expectation in life, and now I'm sure there will be many more children singing, more choirs, more bands, fewer criminals, less violence and happier children.

Jose Moises Mata Piña (Orchestra and Choir Conductor at San Juan de Abajo)
I have been in the orchestra for a year and a half and I am sure that my life has changed in every way, both with my family, because I do not like to fight with my siblings anymore, and I try to be more respectful also with my friends.
I like to attend the sessions with the orchestra because it's something I can spend my time on and not get caught up with what happens on the street.
At school my efforts have been noticed as I improved my grades and this has also given me time to do my homework and my behavior has improved a lot.

Carlos Reynaldo Rivera (14 years old)